Monday, July 1, 2013


Friday evening, my facebook status read "It's Friday night and I'm off to catch lightning bugs with some of my favorite people."

We had been invited by a young couple to join them at their house for a cookout and some lightnin' bug catching. 

There were 5 families represented. Ages from early 60's to sweet little bit above. 

The young couple who invited us knew that we knew the others, but we didn't tell any of them we would be there. All of them are among our favorite people - kids from our church and community - and their parents. There were several exclamations of sweet surprise as everyone arrived. 

This was informal - grilled hot dogs - chips right out of the bag - a simple pasta salad - cookies. Laughter - oh beautiful laughter - the men chatting about things like sports and hunting and fishing and gardening. All us girls talking about the house (stunning and comfortable) - thrifting - cooking - chasing children - parenting - church - loving - encouraging - crafts ---- you know the way women are. The kids were all over the house and yard --- 7 of them --- heard not one really cross word - only the stomping of Miss C. Note it was not "ugly" stomping, she had light up shoes and was stomping around to make them blink. SO MUCH FUN. 

Mrs T had tiny jelly jars for everyone to put the sweet lighting bugs in.

Mr J - he said she planned this under the pretense of the "kids", but she loves the magic of lightning bugs herself. 

I took the sparklers we had left from Miss Molly's wedding. 

Late in the evening, I found myself snuggling Baby Cane, as we all call him. He was tired and fighting sleep. I could hear the kids down by the pond, mommies traipsing around with them, Daddies gathered at the kitchen counter. Baby Cane was distracted - so I slipped out into the cooler darkness of the evening - gently rocking and softly singing Amazing Grace. Big blue eyes watched my face intently as he relaxed in my arms. 

There is absolutely NOTHING in the world I would rather have been doing at that moment. I was completely in the moment. Surrounded by beautiful natural sounds, occasionally broken by a voice or a delighted squeal as a child or an adult still tickled with the magic caught a bug, gently swaying and singing about God's great grace, I REALIZED THAT I AM REALLY HAPPY with myself and where I am right now. As Baby Cane softly slept in my arms, I found the pondering of my head to still and just BE - 

I realized that this life is what I chose and that, even with challenges, I am on the right path now. It's a really good place to be. 

On the way home, there was discussion about the night - about this kind of thing being what I want - about a welcoming home - expanding for friends to come - yet it being important for us to be comfortable too. 

Honestly -- Friday night went a long way toward giving me the encouragement that everything is going to be ok. And once again reinforced my resolve to keep my life headed the right direction.

Thank you Mr J and Mrs T ---- your home is beautiful, your family is beautiful, your love is beautiful, your witness is beautiful. 


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