Sunday, July 24, 2016

It's who I am.

It matters that you see me. 

It really matters that you care about me. 

It matters even more that you do NOT try to change me. 

But seeing me, caring about me, and accepting me are not all of it. 

The biggest thing that matters is that you love me even in my darkest of moments. 

Because loving in the good times is way too damned easy. 

Loving in the darkness means stumbling, falling, failing, getting up and trying again. 

It means not knowing the way, yet trying to keep us moving. 

It means a steadying hand when I have stumbled and really do't have the energy to go on. 

It means accepting that we need each other to get through this thing. 

It means that when I am lashing out at everything, because I am frustrated by anything, you simply choose to stand strong. 

And it means that I know when the light comes, you will be there to see it again with me. 

I love you this way. 

You are not alone in this. 

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