Monday, September 9, 2013

Magical Moment

I was granted a glimpse into the magic of the universe on Saturday Morning. 

Up early. 

Dash out. 

Yard Sale Fundraiser for the local elementary school. 

Hurry home. 

Had plans. Read about that over here.

Drive in driveway. 


I spotted this.

The sun was at just the right angle to highlight a perfectly formed circle spider web. 

Jump out of the car - cell phone on camera setting. 

Walk out under the trees to capture the picture.

Then I saw just how magical this was.

There were hundreds of the webs. 

Each way I turned, I saw more of them. 

The fine silken centers were perfectly formed circles.

Hung from the leaves and limbs from the wonderfully "beaded" strands.

As if the canopy of the trees was decorated with fine crochet doileys gently wafting in the breeze. 

A tiny spider waiting for a meal. 

I was mesmerized. 

I slowed down.

Breathed thanksgivings for this amazing sight. 

Watched the spiders. 

Watched the webs. 

A light breeze caused them to almost look like jellyfish under the sea. 

So fragile looking. 

But holding so very strong. 

As the light changed, some disappeared.

New ones appeared. 

It was breathtakingly beautiful.

I know the webs have a practical purpose. 

But in that moment,

All I could see,

Was the majestic beauty

Of God's creation before me. 

The image below is my favorite. 

It looks like I layered it on photoshop. 

Nope - They were that thick around me. 

They were that iridescent

The anchor lines had thick spots in them literally looking like beads.

Absolutely amazing. 

God's amazing hand in that moment. 

And it was there seemingly just for me. 

I may never witness this natural beauty again.

But I will never forget how special it was at that moment. 

And how it reminded me that the ability to recognize MAGIC is still in me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
