Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Be gentle ----

They sat at my desk. Making selections for their new home.

Scaling down their lifestyle.

Kids grown and gone.

Little did I know what a profound statement that one was.

I try to get to know my customers and the man mentioned that he is a Gideon and is active in prison ministry. This allowed me to talk openly about my faith and my church.

I just didn't know how moving that was about to become.

He asked where I go to church.
"Jones Chapel" was my answer.
She burst into tears.
Uncomfortable much ---- yes.
He went on to explain that their son was killed in an accident at the church intersection.
I apologized profusely.
She answered softly
"no, sometimes I need to talk about him"
I had a decision to make

"Go on, tell me about him"

She smiled and proceeded to tell me things.
Her husband too.

We interjected a plumbing related decision along.

She smiled.
She shed tears.
I shed tears.

We spoke of love.
Of loss
Of recovery.
Of going on.
Of not being ready to let go.
Even though others wanted to force that on her.
Her husband reassuring her that when she was ready, he would be there.

See this accident happened a long long time ago.
A young child who would now be in his late 20's.

My soft answer to her question
"do you think I'm crazy to hold on this long?"

No, there is no right or wrong in grief.
Each person has to do this their own way.

See, being gentle was the kindest way to be in this moment.

And in the gentleness
A glimmer of beauty passed between the two of us

She looked and softly said
"Sometimes you look for things and find a friend along the way."
The next thing was the amazing part
they are building a new home and she will be pushed to let go simply because
they are selling the home they are in now.

She had no idea, that I collect sunsets, and sun rises.
Her comment was that her son loved the sunset and that is the thing she will
miss most about the house.

I shared some of my photos

And then she hugged me and said
"I think I can unpack a drawer today."

My response

"everytime I turn into the church parking lot, I will lift you in my prayer."

In the split second of making the decision to listen and be gentle, I felt God move among us.
It was hard to be a part of the moment.
Awkward for all of us.
And yet the peace and healing that happened
Was major.
I allowed my heart to open as did my new friend.
And being witness to God's working.
Well who could not be moved by that.

Be gentle people
Be kind
Be aware
simply BE.

(thank you John and June Bellew for sharing a bit of your son with me. I am blessed with your trust.)

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