Wednesday, April 15, 2015

this guy

waiting for the doctor to come in --- he says "quick, lets change places"

I laugh - and remember.

pictures being taken for comparison images from last week - I say "I bet you always wanted to take these kinds of pictures - didn't you"

the tech laughs - and I say "I woke up one morning and just had to sell toilets"

He laughs - and remembers.

Doc says - are you allergic to anything

He says "work"

I say "redheads"

Doc laughs and then says "then one of you is in trouble"

We laugh - and remember.

we both are cancer survivors.

We both have spent hours at a time in doctor's offices - ALONE - with only the medical staff in and out of the room.

Today - it did not matter which one of us it was on the exam table.

There was no ALONE.

and when that statement was made - we both remembered.


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