Monday, August 25, 2014

Why I participated in the ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE.


You are a college professor.

Looking to upgrade your bathrooms to accommodate the illness you have just been diagnosed with.

You have entered a showroom to select your items.

When you realize that "nature" is calling. 

And you suddenly also cannot unzip your pants. 

Swallow your pride and ask the showroom salesperson for help. 

Or you can't lift that grandchild to hold him (her) because your arms are completely paralyzed. 

So you sit and ask the little blessing to snuggle in beside you. 

And silently pray that he did not inherit this horrible disease. 

Or you find yourself bound to a chair.

Your husband of many years does as much as he can to keep you comfortable.

Even getting up every two hours at night, to turn you, because you cannot turn yourself over. 

ALS - like cancer and so many other illnesses - has no real boundaries. 

and ALS - like cancer and so many other illnesses - is a family disease.

That diagnosis is a sentence to life changes for EVERY single member of the circle. 

See, I was that showroom sales person.
I watched another friend silently pray that her family did not inherit this.
I see Sue every Sunday at lunch as she maneuvers that chair to the table. 

This is why I took the challenge and dropped my tiny donation amount into the mail today. 

There are those who take it because it is the popular "viral" thing to do today. 

There are those who are not taking it for whatever reason. 

And I cannot find any fault with those decisions.

Each person must decide for themselves how to approach ANY charitable donations. 

Many pro life advocates are protesting because of ONE research program funded by a SINGLE DONOR through that is using embryiotic stem cells. And the possibility that 
I admire their convictions and would encourage them (along with the catholic church) to still donate to the ALS research through alternative groups such as  The John Paul Medical Reasearch Institute

Others are objecting because of drought areas and/or the lack of available clean water in many places. This too gives us an opportunity to help by donating to groups dedicated to providing help in those areas as well. 
UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) has a donation directive straight to Water and Sanitation

I add these comments only to say. Those who respectfully disagree with a cause based on their own convictions and are stating that clearly and concisely,  have my respect and support as well.

The fact is - the viral nature of this Ice Bucket Challenge is bringing much needed attention to a disease that affects many in such a horrible manner. Stripping it's victims of their health and often their dignity. As of today there is no cure and the symptoms are often barely controlled with modern medicinal approaches. 

I chose to participate.

I chose to donate. 

I chose to pray for. 

I chose to recognize.

I chose to love. 

I chose to respect. 

I chose because.


Bless you courageous lady. 

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