Tuesday, August 13, 2013

letter to myself

Dear  _______,

Saw this today and I thought of you.

You don't get to make up most of your story ---- you get to make peace with it.
                                                                                                                   Ann Voskamp

Whew - that takes some of the pressure off doesn't it. Maybe - then again maybe not. But here's the deal, some of where you are just happened.

Good Lord, you certainly would not have decided you could do with out your daddy. But here you are - with only memories of who he was. Then there was the losing of MaggieGrace --- you would give ANYTHING for that to have been different. And your Nanny, Mama Norvan, Grandma and Grandpa Simpson - they lived long lives, but still that ache.

Then CANCER - well that certainly changed you didn't it. Left you facing things you really didn't want to. You've called them demons. They aren't - give them names and they are just bits of reality.

Molly and Abby --- WOW - those are the offsetting positives to all that other. God - thank you for them - they give you great reasons to keep on going. And your Mama - sure is good that that relationship gets stronger every day. Sure am glad you realize that the phone call every morning means as much to you as it does to her.

See all of  it goes together - the parts that just happen and the parts you decide.

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