Monday, June 8, 2015

Story --- About the Ring Pillow

My best friend's daughter got married.

She asked ME to direct this big event. 

That was an honor in and of itself. 

But I wanted to do something really special for her. 

As it turned out, the thing she asked me to do was even more special than I ever imagined. 

Let's start with a definition

HEIRLOOM - a valued possession passed down in a family.
HERITAGE -a special possession
HEARTFELT - sincere emotion, deeply or strongly felt.

now for the task before me. 

I received a package.
From Renee and Melissa
It contained the ring pillow Melissa used in her wedding.
Made by Granny just for her.
Kept for many years.

A work of HEART from a loved one. 

Simply made. 

With love.

The package also contained lace.
From Melissa and David's wedding.

Which happened to coordinate with the pink tones Renee had chosen. 

There was a small problem with the pillow. 

After all these years.

A stain. 

Wicked into the fabric. 

The instructions.

Please try to use something of this. 
There were two rings, and we really want the ring to stay.
If you can't do this, it's ok. 

This baby wants to use this pillow.
We will make it happen. 

I held onto that pillow and I prayed. 

For inspiration.
For understanding.
For Renee to know just how honored I was by this task. 

I was given an idea. 

One that will allow this to really be passed along.

One that created story. 

So here is what I sent Renee in a text.

Everything that was a part will still be there, plus the new.
Much like life, we build on our heritage.
We bring parts with us.
The damaged and difficult does not go away.
But over time, beautiful things come to move us beyond the difficult.
I pray for you and Nick as I work.
You are such a blessing in my life.
Oh how I love you. 

And I set to work.

Bridal Lace
A beautiful gift from a friend in just the right time.
(God provides) 

I took the lace and some of mom's vintage lace.
(yes Melissa - vintage)

I pinned them onto a backer fabric.

Added some cream stain ribbon. 

Stitch - Pray - Stitch

I created a cover. 

The details are exquisite. 

Softball Princess was a bridesmaid.

When I picked up her dress, I snagged a bit of the pink fabric.

Added some additional fabrics and made a melty flower. 

Centered with a button from my stash. 

I took the tiny bows from the unstained side of the pillow, along with the ring. and another piece of Mom's lace. 

I experimented with placement and decided to tuck the ribbons underneath the flower on top of Mom's lace. 

Then - a cross.

There are very personal reasons for this addition.

This cross actually belonged to Molly

Giving it to Renee was a very healing thing for me. 

This was a very personal discussion between me and Renee. 

But the basics of it 

God has his hand in everything. 
We do not need to control it all. 
When we are baptized, He rejoices.
He will be a part of our life, even when we try to turn away from him. 
He is there for all of our trials and for all of our victories.

By sharing Molly's cross, I completed my acceptance for her decision to 
become a part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

It was actually a very beautiful thing to fully accept this and move on. 

So the cross in this case is a symbol of Grace.
A symbol of Faith.
A symbol of Healing.
A symbol of Accepting with Love.
A symbol of God's plan for Eternal Life. 

All of this was handstitched onto the fabric cover and then handstitched to the original pillow.

Covering the stain. 

This can be removed. 
Added to.
For future brides.

Thus becoming a true heirloom. 

A cell phone shot of the finished pillow. 

Fast forward to wedding weekend. 

A minute alone with Renee and her sweet family. 

Moments of tears as I explained my feelings about the process. 

About symbolism

About Story

About Love

The original item is still there.

Still full of Granny's love.

With my love and prayers added. 

For this child we have all prayed.

Renee, I love you so.

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