Wednesday, October 2, 2013

third time's the charm........

Three times today.

I've been here three times today.

I was putting water heaters away at work.

Struggling with a big one.

Splinter in my my finger from the crate. 

I cussed. 

A customer overheard

Said - you need to censor that.

Teasing - he was. 

And I realized.

though it appeared I quit measuring my words. 

Because the hesitation wasn't there.

Truth was.

I measured all the time. 

I was just very well practiced at it. 

And in taking things for granted. 

The tell-tale signs were easily missed. 

Then when all those miscuts

overflowed the room.

And it became evident that the measuring had to be more careful

everything just stalled

And then I really did quit measuring at all. 

That's when it all fell apart. 

Some measuring is needed

For it all to fit right.

So don't tell someone to stop measuring their words and thoughts.

Just learn what the measurements mean.

And work within that plan.

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