Wednesday, October 16, 2013

HOME ---

I just read a blog post and like many things a single line caught my attention ----

It's funny, I have friend who sees a therapist regularly and she is often asked to explain herself for these kinds of things. Maybe recognizing and then writing these impressions down is therapeutic. 

here is the quote that slammed me.

"   I felt tired. It felt like it would be more work than I had the energy to do. I was confused about which way to go. I read go dark! I read go light! We didn’t have a large budget. I worried that I couldn’t get what I wanted without the right amount of money.
Until I just got tired of being tired."
That is me ---- that is my house ----- I know what happened ----- She moved away, thing changed, my give a damn is broke again. 
I'n the picture above, you can see a sliver of a dark wall. I want that dark paint gone so badly, I want light and pretty and PANTONE WHITECAP GREY walls - yes i do. And since she moved away, I'll have to do it myself. It's a long story and it is very complicated, but it is what it is. I want - I want - I want. And none of it is super expensive, its just super overwhelming. 
So - now I have really identified the problem and now I can really take that power away from it. 
The blogpost ended with the phrase "I feel silly for stalling" ---- yup - I want to be able to write that phrase. 
And I have one of the world's best GIVE A DAMN repairmen readily available.
Have a great afternoon. 

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