Dear beautiful you.......
this is YOUR life
(your very own life)
get to know YOUR soul
dance YOUR dance
sing YOUR song
take charge of YOUR story
love YOUR day
let YOUR heavy stuff go
embrace YOUR blessings
kiss YOUR beloveds
thank YOUR everything
see YOUR place
stand in YOUR power
forgive YOUR mistakes
forgive YOUR enemies
drain YOUR secrets of their poison
heal YOUR pain
find YOUR tribe
rest YOUR body
share YOUR talents
practice YOUR passions
find YOUR bliss
because the best years of YOUR life will happen
as soon as you open YOUR hands to YOUR happiness.
melody ross
I was talking to my mama.
I told her about something that happened.
About how it pissed me off.
I guess I unconsciously wanted sympathy.
I say that because her reaction surprised me.
I am 48 years old and I got a lecture from my mama.
A lecture that included these phrases..... (my response in parenthesis)
You made a choice. (I did)
Do you feel like you made the right choice? (yes ma'am I do)
Any second thoughts about the choice? (NOPE)
Would you make the same choice again? (I would)
Does anyone but you have to agree with the choice? (Not really)
Is the choice harmful to you or the girls? (Not at all)
Do you really care what anyone else thinks about it? (I shouldn't)
Are you happy? (what?)
I know you are pissed off right now, but in general, are you happy? (I sure am)
Then why the hell did you allow this to piss you off? (well, since you put it this way)
My mother endured a lot.
Raised by a single mother
Found herself a single mother of teenage girls when my dad was killed
Managed to be all for all for a long time.
Is a very strong lady.
And really gives not one F*&^ what anyone thinks about her.
She encourages me to be better every day.
She knows some of the crap I have dealt with.
It matches some of what she did.
And she really wants me happy.
And she understands why its hard for me.
But more than understanding and encouraging.
My mama loves me.
And she knows that where I am today is really the best I have been in a long long long time.
Yes -----
Coffee and laughter included.