Thursday, June 12, 2014


I chase it. 

the sunrise.

the sunset.

tiny moments of gifts.



and i'm hiding a big secret. 


somedays - this is hard to do. 

I watched the premiere of the new series "Chasing Life" 

I was not prepared for the moment -
the moment when April is given the news that she has cancer.

Softball Princess was sitting on the sofa intently watching me - 

a single intake of breath - a solitary tear.

i was immediately back there

in that office where that word was hung in the air by the urologist. 

I watched the rest of the program

and close to the end, April visits her father's grave 
saying that she may be seeing him soon.
and you could see the moment she decides 
but not TOO soon. 

and I recommitted to my promise to God and myself 

So here i still am 


Last night

on the way home

storm clouds gathered. 

a deep emotional conversation had occurred over a glorious meal.

now bantering back and forth. 

I saw the sunset glow below the clouds.

grabbed the phone and started. 


and sunshine

my mama would say

"devil's beating his wife"

as I'm talking about how pretty. 

my chauffeur remarked casually

"i like those up there" 

and i raised the lens to capture the bright glow against the blue skies

ABOVE the storm. 

the picture above is his "beautiful moment"

the picture below is mine.

both are beautiful

both are grace filled

dramatically different perspectives

from almost the same vantage point.

and you know what

that is completely ok. 

as i started writing this my sister in love for all these years called.

father's day gathering being planned

we spoke of the difficulty with certain "events" for various people 

and how they choose to deal with it

there is no right or wrong way

everyone has to get through things their own way

acceptance - love - grace - blessings

why can't we all just see 

that these words give us a way

to help ourselves and others

catch this beautiful life

I love life
life is beautiful
I'm on my way forward
I am not the same person I was yesterday.
I dang sure am not the same as I was  30 years ago.
I won't be the same tomorrow


I am sorry that this hurts others

i accept that they are doing things the way they can
I love them any way
I graciously understand that this is the way they are
I give them my blessings to continue on their own path.
and i so hope they can give me those same four lines in return. 


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