Monday, November 10, 2014


Sorry about the quality of that image. Cell phone - pitch dark.

Thursday night found us running and watching the deer graze. Magical does not even begin to describe it. Big full moon. Exercise outdoors. Deer unafraid. Simply beautiful.

Then Friday came - and some things are finally falling into place at work - I had dinner with some of my favorite folks (and man they can cook, too) They was relaxing by the fire. Just what is it about a campfire that is so entrancing?

Saturday found me alone, but not lonely. I used to feel as if I NEEDED my life full of activity or full of stuff to be fulfilled. As I am making big changes in my world, I am making peace with what I own vs what I use and in doing so, I am simplifying my stuff. This means clearing - purging - using up. The items I am keeping truly are used or they really make me happy to have around. Meaning - they don't feel like clutter.

On Sunday Morning, I left early - took myself to a favorite place - and worshipped and counted blessings and cleared my mind and organized some things. I stood and deeply inhaled the cool fall air. Took a long look around. And fully realized that, right then and there, I was rich. I had no needs that were not being met. I didn't feel as if I needed some item to make me happy.

Simple as that ---- I was CONTENT and HAPPY.

My adrenal fatigue was minimal -(there is a direct correlation between the absence of stress and my fatigue diminishing). I sat and I worked on those tiny yo-yo's  and I prayed for the entire Atkinson crew. Prayers for happiness and peace, joy amidst the stresses of life, for forgiveness and grace. I also prayed thanksgivings for them all. There were moments of - "God, I just do not know what to say or do with this."  and those moments were answered with the feelings of  "let Me love you through it."

It was a peaceful, easy feeling time for me. Christmas Cantata music playing in the background proclaiming the birth of the Savior.

I do not know where these feelings are leading, but I do know that I want this to be the case more and more often.

Life is quite beautiful and I want to shout that until everyone around me can see it too.

We sang this at Church and I thought of my collection of sunrises and I thanked him again and again.

Then lunch that included a surprise --- a surprise that made my heart smile.

All in all - a weekend that was simply full. Beautifully full.

(Softball Princess also volunteered a hug and shared a sunset with me ---- honestly, that may have been the most beautiful moment of Saturday)


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