Monday, November 24, 2014

Living With intention

Boy, it has been a year. 

As I approach the Thanksgiving Holiday, I am finding myself pondering if I have lived my word of the year. 

I think I have. 

I haven't posted about it a lot. 

I haven't really even consciously thought about it much.

But I have lived it. 

(with purpose to succeed) 

I have two blogs. This one and my crafty one. 

The crafty one is easy to look at and quite easy to read through again and again. 
To see what I have made and why.

This one -- hell, this one is grueling to read. 
Some days are good day, some not so much. 

But I have made huge strides in conquering demons of all kinds.

The result - I have a space that refreshes me. 

A place that allows me to rest.

A circle that accepts who I am right here and right now. 

I want these people around me. 

They feel good. 

(and because I'm having a snarky moment)
(they like that damned blue outfit a LOT)

Now about that place.

Let's define what I want there a little closer. 

I want it to be a sanctuary for me and loved ones.
To be welcoming and ready for those who want to spend time there. 
I failed that miserably in the past and in the very cluttered present. 

Why - because there is so much crap there, that I had no business having and should definitely NOT held on to. 
But each item temporarily filled a gaping hole in my soul. 

Add in the stuff I kept for whatever sentimental reasons I gave. 

Here's a reality.
I kept three porcelain dolls all these years. 
They belonged to my children. 
Those same children who HATED those dolls. 
They called them creepy. 
So this past Saturday, I got rid of the dolls.
Sent the girls a text saying "the creepy dolls are gone" 
I got a text back.
One word.
Yes, I got rid of them and life did not fall apart.

Now - to attack the rest of this stuff. 

I pick each item up.
Ponder carefully.
Then - with INTENTION - I determine if I want it in my life.
If not, I either give, sell, or toss it. 

And each decision makes me feel lighter and lighter. 

the 2014 word of the year. 

Now to ponder my word for 2015. 

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