Friday, March 21, 2014

You Are My Sunshine

My "thing" for sunrise and sunset

It happened by accident - I think. 

I've always appreciated them

But never celebrated them. 

Then this thing called LIFE could have been taken from me. 

I came so close to death when cancer destroyed my kidney.

There I was - in a hospital bed - with that bag of life sustaining blood dripping slowly into my veins. 

We laughed at the really expensive baby sitter I had watching my vitals, just in case I had an adverse reaction. 

As I stared out the window, I could see the roof top ac units and a sliver of sky. 

As quick as I could get back out of that bed, I walked to a little waiting room with a real view outside.\

I don't remember even thinking about needing to see out, until today. 

I was focused on getting well. 

The people "out there" were just living. 

Just living. 

Two words I vowed to move beyond. 



So today - and everyday - I am trying so hard to do just that.

With some of the people around me - that is easy. 

With others - not so much. 

But I AM TRYING so hard to accomplish this and some of those who should be helping - well unfortunately - they just do not get it. 

It hurts me to realize this fact.
When hours of the same news coverage is all that is watched.
When the very first thing I do is turn on the lights so we are not in darkness (and then turn them on again again again again) 
When the silence is deafening.
When how strong the dread of another day at work is - is the only major thing to talk about.
When saving for a future is never considered.
When "I will" often doesn't happen.
When one absolutely refuses to acknowledge that there is fault on their own part.
When I know they start conversation with a friend using the word "blah" 
O how that hurts me.

But even more than recognizing it, what hurts more is knowing that not doing something about it hurts them.

And even though they know how this hurt - there is an unwllingness to do anything about it. 

And as hard as I tried - I can't do this for them. 
And ....

Well all of that sent me into the place I am at. 

Celebrating - Living - Loving - Improving - Growing


Recognizing that I have been blessed. 



Not "just living"

And I fully intend to keep doing just that. 

Now for some really pretty pictures. 

Sunrises and Sunsets

You are going to keep seeing these.
Just get used to it.

Because - I'm going to be out there.

Looking for things to feel blessed by. 

Celebrating when it happens. 

And someday, maybe, those people who just don't get it,

Maybe they will.

Maybe it won't be too late.

Unfortunately for some things - it already is. 

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