Monday, May 5, 2014

small -----

When I grow up, I'm gonna get the hell out of this small town.

Yes I said that. 

More than once. 

Dang, I am so glad I didn't act on those words. 

I live between two "one red light" towns. 

Yes, I said between. 

I drive 20 miles one way to work every day.

I drive 7 miles to a small white brick church with about 75 people there on Sunday. 

There is a tiny grocery store in each of those towns. 

Casey - he's the young man who works at the golden pantry. 

Yes --- my life is SMALL. 

But you know what I have come to see of late. 

You can fill your small life full to overflowing with beauty and blessing so easily. 

Wild flowers on my desk - he loves me - he loves me not.

And a two item supper on Saturday evening (grilled deer tenderloin and a baked potato simple and beautifully prepared) - shared over smiles and laughter between bites. 

A beautiful vixen - with four kits under my barn (foxes)

A black snake in the studio. 

It took some time, but as the next picture expresses

I have learned the lesson.

I learned these lessons while walking these country roads. 

Or riding them. 

Sitting on the front porch swing. 

Planting herbs in an old cast iron sink and an enamel dish pan with holes rusted through.

Lessons on a life well lived. 

A small life.

That watches the sun rise and set. 

Looks for the hawk on a fence post. 

Watches the cardinals swoop and strut around in their version of a mating dance (no twerping allowed here)

Notices that the neighbors are cutting grass - or grilling.

Sees the crane with a tiny fish dinner in it's beak. 

An appreciation of time well spent with loved ones. 

Like this one.

That's Margo - making button assortments for Grateful Hope. 

I babysat this little Missy and her baby sister Friday night and Saturday. 

My life is small and we kept it that way. 

We made a foam flower arrangement for Mom. 

The button assortments. 

She was entranced with cross stitch.

We never turned the TV on. 

Just enjoyed being together. 

My life is so very small.

I am so very grateful. 

I am so overwhelmingly full. 


is yours?

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