Friday, May 2, 2014

What happened.......

That question seems to be the most common one I am asked.

Hell - even the most common one I ask myself.

Well - today I said it out loud - and it wasn't a question - just a statement.

Sitting on that rock wall (if you know me at all - you know where I was) I simply breathed and there they were - these words.

What happened was - LIFE WAS GIVEN TO ME AGAIN - and I couldn't keep putting off MY living it. Not living for the girls. Not living for their dad. Not waiting until it all just lined up nice neat and pretty. MY living had to happen while I was digging out of debt (AGAIN) while I was growing a business (MAGGIEGRACE), while I was laughing, learning, growing, healing, changing. I couldn't patiently stand by and ignore that tiny voice in the center of my being that said - Be Happy NOW. Surround yourself with those who are not afraid to Be Happy. And use your experiences in a serious OUTLOUD manner to help others see the way. 

It's complicated.

It's messy.

It's fun.

It's blessy.     yes I know that is not a real word but it fit.






I could not keep doing all I could to fix it. ---- I can only fix me and my part.

So that is what happened.

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