Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Clutter = embarrassment and shame

Take a look at this picture.

The kitchen still looks much like this today.

That's Molly, my oldest, cooking what we call "long order pancakes" 

But this post is about clutter. 

So look around her. 

window sill (that damned easter egg is still there and this picture was taken in 2009)

the stuff on top of the cabinet too.

the corner shelves - those too

I would love to say it is because I have very little storage space (placing blame) 

I would love to say that I have no pantry - another excuse.

Let's try - someone else should put it away
I actually feel this way a lot. 
Reality - they don't know how to deal with it either. 

Am I lazy - I do not think so.

I am absolutely overwhelmed by it all --- 

there. now let's talk about dealing with the overwhelm. 

I buy stuff 
I bring it in
I sit it down
There it lives, whether it is a good neighborhood or not. 

I rarely invite anyone to my house
I am embarrassed by the condition it stays in
The children would rather not bring people home.
They are embarrassed too. 

So how to deal? 

As I am coming to terms with a lot of emotional stuff - (read backwards and you will see what that is about) - I am getting rid of things and or finding a real home for them in my house. 

Let's look carefully at the picture. 

the cheese grater needs to be IN a cabinet. 
the alcohol bottle needs to be in the bathroom cabinet
and that is a cell charger in that basket hanging over there (hello - I use my phone as the alarm and I sleep in the bedroom)

So today - I will go home and gather all that off the top of the cabinet. 

I will either - toss - put in a better home - donate - or determine how i want the top of that cabinet to be used and fix it. 


I can deal with that - can't I.

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