Friday, July 19, 2013

What I have learned this week....

The picture has not one thing to do with the post. I made those tiny crochet roses and I like them.

1. Literal interpretation is NOT always the best. This lesson came from a person who is so literal that I have to be careful which order I list restaurant choices in. But sometimes the literal translation leave a wake of frustration in it's path.

2. Sometimes the best decisions we make come with difficult consequences.

3. As long as the heart hopes that you can work things out, then maybe you can. MY HEART IS SO FULL OF HOPE TODAY.

4. There have been way too many storms in my world recently. I'm ready for some clearing of the storm clouds.

5. Being afraid that "I'm not good enough." is damaging to me. Being afraid "I'll screw things up." keeps me from being myself. Not being who I am and trying to "get all the rules right" keeps me from relaxing and growing.

6. Counseling might be good, but self honesty is better.

7. This one from my mama after a difficult conversation about some things in my life. "Can you sleep at night?" "Are you better since you did this?" "Does this make positive change possible?" "Are you convinced this is the right thing?" - Being able to say yes to these questions - she then said "then go for it." I love my mama.

8. After two weeks of being short handed at work ----- I NEED A HOOKY DAY.

9. A 72 year old woman has proven to me the she can work circles around me. Yes she can. But in helping her, I learned a lot. I laughed a lot. I rolled my eyes a bit. I worked physically harder than I normally do. But it was rewarding and full of blessings. Helping others - its what we do - it's what we all should do - it doesn't matter who it is - it doesn't matter who all is there - what does matter is deciding to work together towards a common goal of helping one another.

10. Another one from my mama --- "you don't owe anyone an explanation for deciding what is right for you?" My mama is quite a character - I love her anyway. She has made decisions that a lot of people might question her sanity about. Hell, I've questioned her sanity about some of them. But she is comfortable with who she is - where she has been - how far she has come - and where she is going. I've told her some things recently that I was hesitant to share. I was afraid of her reactions - turns out I did not need to be. She loves me anyway.

11. People gonna love. People gonna hate. Is what it is. We will just have to see.

12. Moving forward ---- sure as hell beats stagnant ---- and is certainly better than backing up.

13. I made decisions. My decisions. They were hard decisions. They hurt others. They hurt me. They helped others. They helped me. I have suffered consequences form them. I have been given blessings by them. I'll keep trying to make the right ones.

14. No matter what anyone thinks, I am making the best me I can every day and this is right for me.

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