Monday, July 22, 2013


Because I can finally see that where I am is where I really need to be. 

Because the laughter is coming back.

Because the smiles reach my eyes again. 

Because the future is in front of me. 

Because forward is where I want to go. 

Because cancer changed everything. 

Because I can focus on being debt free. 

Because encouragement is always the best.

Because I AM WORTHY. 

Because who I am now is very real. 

Because my life is beautiful. 

Because buttons and fabric and paper and old silverware and flowers and coffee are all a part of me.

Because butterfly pictures and sunrise pictures and baby pictures make me smile even bigger. 

Because old stuff fascinates me. 

Because buried whiskey bottles and canning jars obviously contain magic potions.

Because that red recliner is quite comfy.

Because my house has not been a home for a long time.

Because I was waiting for change to make the house what I wanted it to be.

Because I am no longer waiting for that change. I am moving forward now.

Because productivity requires focused work.

Because I'm not putting off being happy. 

Because taking that step forward right now was the right decision for me. 

Because, if I'm really honest with myself, I've known these answers all along. 


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