Monday, September 30, 2013

Now I Understand


I spent it mostly in the quiet. 

Alone in the studio --- working.

Really - I promise. 

Not even the radio for company distraction. 

It was me,
My stuff.
And my thoughts. 

And I realized something. 


I worked - I puttered - I accomplished

I thought about life - love - being a mom to grown children. 
About everything and nothing.

I was relaxed - happy
Ended the day with my spirit and soul re-energized. 

I would migrate to the door in the beautiful early fall sunshine and 

I had a conversation with a friend in which I asked "what cha doing"
answered by "BASKING IN THE SUN."

And then I thought about my Daddy. 
He was so excited by hunting season every year. 
Up early - go to the woods - sit in a tree.

He would come home relaxed - happy

Deer on the back of the truck or not.

It was his way of being comfortable alone like that. 

I'm betting if he had been in the woods on Saturday

He would have BASKED in the sun too. 

Me - now I get it. 

The man - well he sat in the house - in the dark - with the clicker. 

and a beer.

and that makes me really sad for him. 

I bet he's never used the word 


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