Friday, January 30, 2015

unconventional ---- for a baby

So we are getting a new little one in our crew.

This baby will be LOVED by so many. 

I normally would jump right on a crochet blanket, but Grandma crochets too.

So I will be doing a cross stitch piece. 

I have these three on the bubble. 

Please please vote for your favorite. 

Baby Deer - name will be "carved in the wall above and to the left of the deer. (such a sweet picture)

Forest Friends - name either in the sky to the right of the eagle (my preference)  or in the waves of the stream. (I really love the face on that beaver and the wolf pup is beautiful) 

Autumn solitude - name will be "carved" in the trunk of the tree. (Fall is my favorite time of the year) 

we do not know what we are getting. 

So I have chosen what I think are fairly  gender neutral. 

This will not be a typical birth record thing, but the name will be added as indicated in the description of each. 

Help --- I keep shuffling and these are BIG pieces so I need to quit procrastinating.

These are all Patterns from

Detailed full cross stitch patterns around 300x350 stitches. 

I am SOOOOOO excited about this little one. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Makes A difference

There are days that I think "too much trouble"
to stop and take the picture of the sky

I think - I'll just be grateful for it myself.

Then, I remember.

I remember being in a hospital room

Looking at the AC units on a rooftop

And a block wall. 

I remember a long, slow, uncomfortable walk down a hallway.

To sit in the sunlight streaming through those windows in a small waiting area. 

And the smile on her face after our conversation.

Then I remember various encouragers.

Those who tell me "thank you" for your posting.

And I read or listen to Kara's words

And I remind myself that they don't have to understand.

No one has to understand. 

But I feel like sharing these tiny moments of blessing is my way of creating a legacy of sorts.


See what's being done for us.

See the beauty God gives us.

See His creation. 

See - no matter how we feel about it in our small grasp of things - WE ARE NEVER ALONE.

Each morning my phone beeps. Five words, two periods. 
I smile.
Send the same in return. 
And yet I know, that those words could suddenly be taken from either of us. 

But the sunrise - it is sure too. 
And it is proclaimed 

But for you who obey me, my saving power will rise on you like the sun and bring healing like the sun's rays. 
Malachi 4:2

So I take the time to record that sunrise moment. 

And I realize - no, it is NOT too much trouble.

We are not alone in anything. 

People may let us down

But as sure as the sun cycles - God is there, Jesus is there, The Holy Spirit is there. 

a circle - no top - no bottom - no beginning - no end. 

Not running out. 

There is so much peace in that realization. 

So I try to share that feeling in the photos and thoughts I post here and on facebook, instagram, twitter. 

I want my legacy to be one of appreciation of the blessings I have been given along with trying to give my own version of blessings along the way. 

I'm thinking this will define a Life Well Lived. 

What is your legacy? 

What will they remember of you?

Monday, January 19, 2015

Backyard visitor

I saw him as he swooped in and perched in the tree line. 

I was hopeful of a few shots.

I had NO IDEA how special this was to be. 

Heart pounding, breath caught in my throat. 

This has to be how a hunter feels when they spot that big deer. 

I eased out of the car and started snapping pictures. 

Trying to be controlled in my movements to not startle him away. 

Just look at these. 

a juvenile Coopers' Hawk 

Feathers ruffled in the wind. 

A completely unexpected visit that lasted about 20 minutes. 

He was observant - watching for prey - but still very aware of me. 

I would take a tiny step and then be still as I approached - slowly closing the gap between us. 

I love hawks and I am so glad to be learning more and more about them. 

Take off here to see my photo of a Red Shouldered Hawk.

In talking to a customer this morning - he understands why this AWE is important to me. 

When you find the rocky bottom and start the climb back up, you either grow as a cynical person or a grateful person. 

I chose the path of gratitude. 


This photo was the very last one I took. 

He intently watched me. 

I felt like I was being studied just like I was studying him. 

I saw the photo on the camera display screen and smiled.

Lowered the camera and thanked God for a brush with his creation.

I felt the message.

Isaiah 40:31King James Version (KJV)

31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.


Friday, January 16, 2015

yes - they do go together

These pictures seemingly have not one thing to do with one another. 

But oh how they tie together. 

See these pictures represent blessings I have counted and blessings I will continue to count. 

Hang on - let's just chat about gratitude. 

I have been counting for a long time now. 

It's important to me to record the gratitudes. 

I should be important to everyone. 

Here's the research numbers

People who record gratitude  can expect these kinds of things 
1. Have a relative absence of stress and depression. (Woods et al., 2008)
2. Make progress towards important personal goals (Emmons and McCullough, 2003)
3. Report higher levels of determination and energy (Emmons and McCullough, 2003)
4. Feel closer in their relationships and desire to build stronger relationships (Algoe and Haidt, 2009)
5. Increase your happiness by 25% — (Who wouldn’t want a quarter more happiness!) (McCullough et al., 2002)
And because there is NO right way to record them I'm sharing mine.
I have a hand covered journal that was from a friend. I simply list at least three every day. I date mine but that's just me. 
The photo above reflects these three
1. Jeff (black and white shirt) and Michelle were at the cantata even though they buried a child the day before.
2. I sing and I have friends who sing and we have a great time even though getting ready for this kind of performance is hard work.
3. My Jones Chapel family loves and supports me even when I am broken and battered. 

The picture above -

1. Joseph (Chancey Rich) is a part of this performance. Because Mama T asked him and he said yes. More important he is among us and in his daddy's life because everyone is trying so hard to make a family. He also fought hard for sobriety and a stable mental health picture and is winning this battle. 

2. Mary  - (Anna Hancock) - jumped in and portrayed Mary when the original cast member found herself quarantined to her home. Welcome to protecting the community from a virus. 

3. Our Angel (Vanessa Faucett) such a sweet kid with a major family support group. A family who stepped in and loves her so much even when the structure doesn't look like a typical family does. 

When we are grateful for the tiniest of things, we seemingly have endless reasons to be even more grateful.

Thursday January 15

1. The foggy air froze onto the trees and bushes. leaving everything frosted and serene. Not like a frost, but more fairytale than that.

2. He understands and builds in time to stop for pictures.

3. This new camera is "da bomb"

This morning's sun appearance.
Really not one of the most spectacular of sunrises.
Just a slowly increasing glow. 

1. Upon going out to start the car, I look up and I see STARS, after days and days of rain.

2. I had a sun picture to post today. thank you Lord for rain and sun. 

3. I get to breathe and put my feet on the floor today. I promised while I was in the hospital (apr 2010)  that I would be grateful for every day - and as of now I have been.

Sure - life is real - and some days are HARD. 
Some days break us.
Beat us up.
Batter us. 
Then some days nourish us. 

But even in the most difficult, we can find blessings to be grateful for. We just may have to look harder. 

try it - count you blessings.




Sunday, January 11, 2015

On finding myself in awe.......

A long time ago, I stood on a cabin porch watching a deer, still in spots, graze the edge of the yard.
I found myself in awe.
One of my favorite moments.
A morning on the beach, watching dolphins frolic in the sea.
To this day, I can hear my daddy say "look girls"
A pair of fox out behind the barn.
Bright red in the morning light.
Encounters with wildlife leave me in awe.
Being aware of surroundings opens opportunity for awe.
And that offers another opportunity to praise the Creator.
Note, if you are my Facebook friend, these pictures are not new, but they sure illustrate my thoughts well today.

The Crusty Old Guy hunts. He also shares information that he has learned from observing and finding himself in awe.
I had not been exposed to this kind of experience since my dad died when I was 15.
This morning, I was heading to church and way across a field, I saw deer moving.
I keep my camera at the ready in my car seat, so I quickly zoomed and got this shot across the field.
Nine of them at a dead run across the field, white tails flashing.
Something running them for sure.
I found myself in awe.
Intake of breath.
Followed by praise and gratitude for that glimpse.

A hornets nest. This is over a building on my way to work.
I had noticed it several days before I took this picture.
This day, I shared it with Walker, the young man I take to the bus each day.
We stopped and his eyes lit up with excitement.
That look brought me to the recognition of awe, I had shared a wonderful discovery and he was as excited as I .
It took me back to my girls and the moment when they really "learned" something.
I love being their mom and I watched in awe when they were trying something new.
Watching children learn is definitely worthy of awe.

Anyone who knows me at all knows that I love sunrise and sunset.
And hawks.
This is the BIG redtail that oversees Serenity Field.
Everything about birds of prey brings out awe.
Too watch one swoop for a meal is well worth the awe I feel.
And the hawk is my spirit bird, I always feel a moment of peace when I spot one.
Causing me again  to pause and count blessings.

And the squirrel.
This taken from Charlie Gray's enclosed stand.
On New Years Eve, I sat watching five of these guys.
Gathering nuts and tucking them away.
Scurrying about almost looking like they were playing, yet they were stashing food that will get them through the winter.
This one was about 30 yards from me, still for only a moment, but long enough for me to catch him.
Holding a bite in his front paws.
Sure, they work to store the food, but God provides.
And that tiny critter leads into the biggest AWE.
God provides.
For them.
For us.
And again I count blessings.
Are you aware of God moments that will leave you in Awe?

Thursday, January 8, 2015

fumbling ----- grace covering it

I had cancer. 

IT was scary. 

I had friends.

They did not know what to say. 

How to respond.

What to do. 

He lost his dad (mother, wife, brother, child) 

It was sad.

He had friends.

They did not know what to say.

How to respond.

What to do. 

Insert whatever scenario into this description.

They don not know what to say.

How to respond.

What to do. 

Here is my best advice.


You got it covered then.
Respond from that loving place in your heart. 
Grace will cover the rest.


Now to add a funny.
About responding from your heart. 
There will be no names here but we laughed and laughed
About this

I was recovering from my surgery.
Enjoying the euphoria of great pain meds.
Home alone. 
A sweet visitor came by. 
I had one of those moments of "bathroom NOW" 
I walk in and apparently MOM is the only person in the world who notices that we 
What to do.
At that moment - I made do with the last of the kleenex. 
Emerging and with that apology for the sudden exit of the visit, I asked if she would mind driving to the store for me to refill this required item. 

She did one better. 
Walked to her car.
Opened the trunk.
and produced a 24 pack of toilet paper. 
and said ---- I have ____ kids. I never know when we will be somewhere and NEED a roll of paper.
After I quit laughing - I said "and GOD uses unlikely people."

I have great friends.

Talk about responding with heart. 

She also responded with necessity and laughter. 


Go ahead - respond - grace will cover the fumbling.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Here I am

listening to the rain
Knowing Abby and Joe will be driving from New York today.
I found a card in cleaning out a box.
A birthday card
It was unsigned
Wishing me a happy birthday and adding hope that I would find what I was looking for.
I'm still not sure what I am looking for, but I sure know what I have found.
I found love from so many people.
I found a passion for living that I did not know I was capable of.
I found that cancer makes you stronger than you ever thought possible.
I found that not worrying what others think is a much better way to go through each day.
I found that money is nice, but it does not make a good substitute for being involved.
I found that the amount of stuff I have is too much and has nothing to do with who I really am.
I found that some people cast shadows and others cast light.
I prefer those light people, but sometimes the shadowed ones really need some of our light.
An unlit candle needs a spark to burst into flame.
I found that when you open up there are blessings.
And pain, heart changing pain.
Searing, its not fair pain.
But even in loss, there were blessings.
Knowing Andrew changed me.
I found that babies and kids and teens and adults and the elderly can all bring blessings if we take the time to see.
I found sunrise and sunsets will happen whether we see them or not.
I found that being cynical really serves no purpose and is actually a very selfish place to spend time.
I'm still looking, but goodness, I have found so much.
The biggest thing is that I found God and Grace ,,,,,well they both happen to the unlikely. They happen to us all.
Much love friends.
I hope you find what you are looking for.
And that wish comes from me
And I will sign my wishes.
Blessings, Teresa